Spun Cartridge Filter
The micron cartridge filter is provided for fine filtration of suspended solids. Filter is good for the removal of relatively uniform sized particles throughout the body of the filter.
When to Replace a Filter Cartridge
As particles accumulate on a filter cartridge, flow through the filter becomes restricted. This restriction reduces the flow rate through the cartridge and increases backpressure Thus the Cartridge filter should be changed when the flow drop or pressure drop is considerable.
Granular Activated Carbon
The granular activated carbon to eliminate free chlorine and colloids present in tap water that may otherwise alter the taste and color of your water supply.
Spun Cartridge Filter
The micron cartridge filter is provided for fine filtration of suspended solids.
Reverse Osmosis System
a) RO Membrane
The membranes used have spiral configuration i.e. osmotic membranes are wrapped in a coil around central manifold.
b) Membrane Housing Vessel
The membrane is housed in ABS suitable for one element of standard size.
Permeate Rota meter
Allows the user to check the flow rate of RO permeate water.
Booster Pump
The pump is used where there is a mains pressure of 0.5 bars or less.
Ultra Filtration.
Ultra filtration is separation process using membrane with pore size in the range between 0.1 to 0.012 micron. Typically ultra filtration will remove high molecular substance colloidal materials and organic and inorganic polymeric molecules.
U.V. System
UV system for very low bacteria levels. Type 2 RO water system can be equipped with a UV system .water is sanitized through a 254 nm UV lamp in a stainless steel housing. UV lamps kill any live bacteria & microorganisms.
Mix Bed Resin
The resin filters are a very high quality Semiconductor grade mixed bed resins that remove the last of the Ions from the RO water. The mixed bed resin removes the dissolved ions of various minerals from the water to bring the water resistively up to 0.1 Ω. This is what gives the final polish to the water.
Low pressure Switch
This is to avoid dry running pump. The changeover of LPS takes place depending on the line pressure at the suction of pump and pressure set point. In case of low pressure in pump suction, it trips off the plant.
High pressure Switch
This is to avoid pressure build up in the permeate line. The changeovers of HPS takes place depending on the line pressure at the discharge of permeate line and pressure set point (2 bar). In case of high pressure in the permeate line, it trips off the plant.