Color Target Comparator is used for both color and luminance measurring. In 1931, the CIE (Commission International De L’E’clairage) set up a series of visible spectrum color space standards. The basic CIE color space standards are CIE_XYZ. It is built on standard visual observers on the basis of ability to see, and it reflects the standards scope of color by eye. Based on CIE_XYZ there are CIE_XYY, CIE_Lab, CIE_Lch standard color space, etc.
At present, the CIE lab color space is the most commonly used in the industry. In CIE Lab color space, L value stands for color brightness and a value stands for the Green-on-red value, and b value stands for the blue-on-yellow color value. If determine a value of color by only a group Lab, it will be not practical. However, we can determine the differences among them by comparing two groups of Lab values.