The temperature inside the Walk-In incubator is controlled by intelligent programmable temperature controller and indicator. This controller is based on the microcontroller nano watt technology and its ergonomic design suits for any specific requirement of the incubator like Data logger facility, Thermal and DOT Matrix interface, direct data load facility in computer office automation software like MS-Word and Excel and many other features listed in the specification below.
1) Heater Mode : This LED indicates the heating system on condition and it light up when the set temperature is higher than the ambient temperature.
2) Cooling Mode: This LED indicates the cooling system on condition and it light up when the set temperature is lower than the ambient temperature.
3) Temperature Alarm: This LED indicated the extreme Ambient condition and the temperature failure condition.
4) Audio Alarm : This Alarm indicates the visual alarm and indiactes any failure and Temperature overshoot conditions.
5) Door Open : Visual indication with door open conditions.
6) A.C Power failure : This visual indicator light up when the mains power fail and the system working in the battery mode.
7) Low battery indicator : This LED indicates the battery backup status, This LED indicates when the battery charge capacity available at 25% of the total charge.
8) UP : Count up key.
9) SET : This is a set button to set any parameter on the screen, by pressing of this key a cursor blink on the corresponding parameter, So you can select any desired parameter and use UP and Down key to set specific value/setting.
10) Down : Down count key.
11) ESC : This key is used to exit from any menu, you are working right now.
12) Print/Data download : This key is used to transfer the stored data into the printer or Data download facility in the computer MS Excel/Word and Hyperterminal software.
13 ) Display Unit : This unit is a user intertractive interface system for easy operation and it displays the parameter like DATE, TIME, Ambient Temperature, Compressor ON Delay Time, Read and Set Temperature.
14) Temperature Display : This seven segment display indicates the read temperature value inside the chamber.
1) DATE and TIME : From normal operational mode, press SET key ones,
The cursor blinks at
DATE (20), and for second press of KEY SET the cursor blinks at MONTH ( 12 ), and similary on Third press of key SET cursor blinks at YEAR and repeat the steps to move to any parameter.
Similary you move cursor on any parameter and set desired value for system operation.
To increase any parameter use UP key and to decrease any parameter use DOWN key.
After completion of all correct setting press ESC key to return back to the main menu.
Optional Features : (Can Be incorporated At Extra Cost If Desired)
I. Temperature set point controls relays for refrigeration compressor and evaporator fan
II. Relays rated min. 200VAC:
a. Compressor: min. 8 A, min. 60 LRA
b. Fan: min. 4 A
c. B) High/low temp alarm
III. Audio and Visual Alarm. Programmable
IV. Alarm mute w/ ring back in 5 minutes
V. Touch Button Control for Alarm Mute/Ring Back.
VI. Keyed alarm silence switch
VII. External Keyed Alarm Mute. Alternate: Supervisor programmable code
VIII. Door Buzzer alarm
IX. IR Sensor/ Micro Switch Based Door open Alarm. Adjustable or fixed 30s delay before alarm
X. Power failure alarm: Automatic Power detection and Audio Visual Alarm. Adjustable or fixed 15 min delay before alarm
XI. Programmable temp range: Touch Button Control to Program Temperature. User Settable.
XII. Battery backup: Automatic Battery Charging Facility inbuilt in circuit. Provides up to 24 hr of display power
XIII. Mounted temp probe
XIV. Dual PT-100 sensor With Ambient Sensing by Semi-conductor Temperature Sensor. Set point display (program mode) LCD and Segment
XV. Dry contacts (Remote Control) for central alarming.
XVI. R.F based Remote Alarm System
XVII. Built-in chart recorder/Thermal Printer standard for blood bank units or data acquisition in the controller memory which can be down loaded on a computer through a suitable world standard interface like RS232 and/or RS485.
XVIII. RS-232 I/O Port Provided,
XIX. Serial Thermal Printing facility.
XX. 24 hr non-volatile temperature Record Storage Capacity, and Record Download facility in MS-WORD/Hyper terminal / MS-Excel.
XXI. Up to 1 MB data storage Facility.
XXII. Seven Day Profile Timer with Real Time Clock.